Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's All in the Details...

When you wish for something make sure to include the details. Because I do believe it's all about the little things that will ultimately determine whether you'll actually want what you wish for after you get it.

For instance:

That great job, with great pay, doing what you love the most? Make sure the details specify that you don't surrender every weekend with your kids and late night conversation with your spouse.

Those adorable kids, one boy and one girl, of course? Specify in the details that they're not maniacal leeches sucking the last bit of patience and energy from your exhausted mind by way of what must certainly be invisible tentacles (that's the only reasonable explanation).

That charming husband or wife? This is where detail is imperative...enough said.

Those moments of silence that you wish for? Make sure the details include that they're rare and in times of need. Otherwise, it's just deafening and kind of sad, really.

That family and those friends that you love to death? Make sure that they love you back.

That beautiful house with a wonderful view? Absolutely make sure the details layout the days the cleaning crew will come in to take care of the path of destruction that follows your children.

That sexy car you've always wanted? The details must include that it's only yours. No teenager can incessantly pester you to drive it. Nor can they take it without permission whether you find out about it or not. It's got to be all yours.

The wonderful insurance benefits offered with low co-pays and a minimal premium? I think it goes without saying that the details must outline that it cannot be in place because you need treatment for any illness other than that which is short term and pain free. Or, if there must be pain, it must be written that you have the most excellent pharmacy coverage.

The energy of your children that you wished you had? For God's sake make sure, make sure, it's clear that you don't get that energy so late at night that you're wide awake with a mind that never stops!
But, if you do...please forward the link to your blog so that I know I'm not alone...


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