Thursday, September 3, 2009

Laugh, Cry, or Just Get Hysterical?

Laugh, cry, or just get hysterical? I'm not sure which would make me feel the best!

I think we can all speculate on how our country has arrived at this "place". By "place" I mean circumstance, mindset, values, morals, and such divisiveness that this nation will never be as it was meant when named The "United" States.

I don't know a lot about much, but I do know a little about a few things. And, one thing I know is that there is never, EVER harm in education. You learn all of the days of your life. You learn when you want to and when you don't even know it. It's when you no longer want to that you might as well hang it up because, seriously, what's the point? It's the learning about life and people and places and ourselves that makes life tolerable and, on those lucky days, enjoyable! We don't always know how things will end up and, if we're really lucky, things won't go as planned and the opportunity will be presented to discover a new path with new surroundings that is all ours to learn about. To question and be curious is how we've gotten to this place with all the modern conveniences and luxuries. It's the child/adults that are not curious and only do by being told, that will live a very unsatisfying life.

How it has come that the parents of school-age children (and others, I'm sure) are offended, scared, or even find it "creepy" that the President of this so-called "United" States will direct a few moments of his attention, on Tuesday, to the children of this nation is so far beyond my realm of understanding that I need just one person to explain this to me. Did it not seem creepy on September 11, 2001, that as our President was told this nation was under attack, he continued reading My Pet Goat? No? Not creepy, not scary to think that he didn't react immediately? No?

We're told, as parents, that we have the option to allow our children to "opt out" of the Presidential Address to this nation. Are you serious?? I know that in the 50's there was a weekly Presidential Address heard in schools all over America via radio and you better believe those children weren't allowed to "opt out". They sat and they listened whether they liked it or not because it's that important, no matter who the President elect is. No matter if he is the one you voted for or the one you despise, it's the President of The "United" States of America and at what point do we rely on our children to get their education and make good use of it. They may not listen and they may be filled with questions (which should be openly discussed), this is a good thing, not something that should be stifled.

And, I won't even get in to how it's going to make the children feel to be removed from a classroom over their parents political beliefs!

Oh, and if anyone wants to tell me that it's because the President might mention this health care reform...then explain how kids will be able to persuade their parents to vote for such a god-awful thing. Or, is there something I don't know about and it's actually the kids that will vote on the health care reform?? Either way, I just don't get it!


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