Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm ready!

I just woke up from a dream, a previous life, whatever, but I'm awake and I'm ready for anything!

Oh yes, I'm ready for whatever this day has to offer, or throw my way.

I'm ready to look in the mirror and see the new me, if only those damn kids didn't break my glasses! I said "DON'T TOUCH"!

I'm ready to fold the laundry and put it away, once it's washed.

I'm ready to pay my bills on time, if I've got enough money in the bank.

I'm ready to be a millionaire and host charity events, ooh, is that the Publisher's Clearing House van that just passed by?!

I'm ready, I tell you, I am R-E-A-D-Y!

I'm ready to not only appreciate the beautiful sky, but define it's color, if I can find the perfect match in my son's box of Crayolas.

I'm ready to make amends, if it isn't too painful.

I'm ready to hear words of wisdom, so long as they're not completely idiotic.

I'm ready for religion, just don't make me change my beliefs.

Really, I'm ready!

I'm ready to be a stay-at-home-mom (s.a.h.m for those of us in the know...), after I wrap up the interviews of prospective applicants to rear my business.

I'm ready to be sympathetic, I just need you to stop whining first!

I'm ready to devour a wholesome, healthy salad and enjoy it in ectasy, when it's French-Silk-Pie-flavored.

Man, I'm so stoked! I just want to jump up and down and scream it for all to hear, "I'm ready for anything!". Maybe we should define anything before we go any further. But, I am ready, I can feel it!


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